Growth Getaway

November 1-3, 2024 at Camp Tadmor

Growth Getaway

Growth Getaway is an event aimed at surfacing and training middle school students to be next-generation church influencers and leaders. Come join us with other church groups from around the northwest and let Tadmor take care of the program of a weekend event. This event gets to tap into all the fun stuff at Tadmor while leaving time for students and leaders to connect and build relationships.

Event Details Coming Soon!

9/10/24 CVNW* Registration Opens.

9/24/24 General Group Registration Opens.

*Church Venture Northwest church groups

Directions to Camp Tadmor

What to Bring

Sleeping Bag and Pillow
Pencils Pens
Warm Winter Clothes
Extra Socks
Money for the coffee shop/store