Join in the Ministry of Tadmor through Prayer

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.   James 5:16b

Prayer is a vital part of the ministry at Tadmor. Through the faithful prayers of Tadmor’s partners, God has moved powerfully in this place. You have the opportunity to cover Tadmor in prayer so Tadmor can continue to be used for the glory of God.

At Tadmor, we get to partner with God in what He is already doing in the guest groups, churches, youth groups, and campers when they come to camp, and in the lives of our Summer Ministry Team members. This is a weighty responsibility that we don’t take lightly. We view prayer, leaning into the Word of God, and the movement of God’s Spirit as our foundations for thriving through each year, and especially the summer! Please pray for us and with us as we work hard to bring God’s Kingdom, shine Christ’s light, and display God’s love to everyone who comes to Tadmor throughout the year. This is eternal work. Thank you for partnering with Tadmor in this way!

There are multiple ways to partner with Tadmor through prayer.

  1. Download Tadmor's Prayer Guide by clicking here.
  2. You can be added to an email list to receive regular prayer requests from our Summer Ministry Team. Please email Sarah Holton at [email protected] if you're interested."

2 boys praying together